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here are some tips for living with giants gathered from lakeside experience. you can also find a wealth of information from longtime giant experts in the explore your love of giants page on the lakeside web site.

tip 01: replacing extinct heart pine flooring
tip 02 don't insuate that floor!

tip 01: replacing extinct heart pine flooring
antique heart pine has been extinct for over 40 years now. however, many older arts & crafts and bungalow style homes built in the period between 1900 and 1930 were built with a heart pine floor which served as both the sub- and finish flooring. while you cannot buy replacement heart pine at your local lumber yard, it is still available from specialty suppliers at less cost than you might think. there are actually millions of board feet of heart pine in existence in the form of structural beams and members of commercial buildings throughout the south. such structures as paper mills and factories built in the late 1800's and early 1900's all used heart pine for its strenght and durability, the very reason it was used so extensively in bungalows and craftsman homes. many suppliers will cut and mill to your specifications for as little as $5/sf for heart pine flooring. search on ebay for "heart or antique pine flooring" for more info.

tip 02 don't insuate that floor!
many people make ythe mistake of insuating the underside of tongue & groove flooring in an older pier and beam home. most of the tme that tongue and groove flooring serves as both the subfloor and finish floor in older homes. while thefloor in a pier and beam home can get cold from drafts in the winter months, insulating the underside will trap condensation and moisture leading to an accelerated rot from th underside. thes3e floors need to "breathe" to stay dry and avoid deteriation. the best approach is to properly skirt the perimeter of the raised foundation and cut down on unnecessary drafts to keep those floors both warmer and dry in the winter.

explore your love of period homes
part time remote jobs with apple the stickley museum blog
the william morris society blob
american bungalow blog

architecture gallery
the pasadena gamble mansion
the roycroft inn
the fairmount southside historic district
arts & crafts society

the webpage of the roycrofters
bungalow neighborhoods

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